Thank You & Happy New Year!

Hello Beautiful People!
There are only a few hours left before we say farewell to 2014! I want to thank you all for your support, encouragement and for stopping in to read the beauty and etiquette tips from my blog white SAND & YELLOW diamond. It has been an amazing journey since I started my blog one year ago this month; my husband Kelvin encouraged me to begin blogging my work and I am thrilled I took his advice. Β Blogging is not only enjoyable but it renders a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment to be a positive conduit lecturing on and celebrating the art of beauty and self confidence.

Thank you WordPress for providing the forum and for the support you give to us bloggers to express our creative thoughts and images. Kelvin has been very instrumental in lending his editing skills and his noteworthy, honest critiques of my materials – I am grateful he is my biggest fan. Last but not least, Pochina has been the top active commenter on the blog; she’s a beautiful, free spirit, and so full of positive, optimistic energy.

I am looking forward to a fantastic and exciting 2015! How about you? Until we touch base again, I want to wish you and your family an amazing New Year filled with success, good health and peace.
Love you Beautiful People!
